I don't think this Menu makes sense here. Proposal: Remove it.
"Show Ignored Requests" looks ugly there. Proposal: Display it like the menu that id proposed to be removed instead. Only show this link when there are ignored requests.
Useless whitespace. Proposal: remove or put text "No requests, if lonely how about going to the directory page?"
"Benachrichtigungstyp" (Message Type) is obsolete here as "Kontakt/Freundschaftsanfrage" (Contact request) says it all. Proposal: Remove it.
Makes no sense. Proposal: User friendly would be to write the sentence "User claims he knows you" only when this is true. Write nothing otherwise.
What's the difference? Proposal: Give "ignore" option only for new requests, give "delete" option only for ignored requests.
I don't understand this option. Proposal: Change text to something that makes sense or remove it here completly.
What does it mean to accept the contact as friend or as a fan? Proposal: Be more descriptive here: Friend -> See posts of each other, Fan -> sees only your posts.