Updated FAQ (markdown)

beardy-unixer 2012-09-16 14:45:22 -07:00
parent 2552706f15
commit 8c8380e36e
1 changed files with 1 additions and 4 deletions


@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ Admins
## <a id="q1" /> Is it possible to have different avatars per profile?
We had this originally, and it introduced privacy leakage - this was the same profile photo used in conversations with that person and people knew they weren't seeing the same profile that other people saw.
Have since decided that we can probably do this - but only use the default profile photo in posts - all posts.
Somebody will know they aren't seeing the default profile, but this isn't hard to figure out anyway. Anybody can access the default profile and compare to what they see from a sparkle link.
Anyway, it's possible. It just needs somebody to roll up their sleeves and get it done.
Yes. On your Edit/Manage Profiles page, you will find a "change profile photo" link. Clicking this will take you to a page where you can upload a photograph and select which profile it will be associated with. To avoid privacy leakage, we only display the photograph associated with your default profile as your avatar in your posts.
## <a id="q2" />Can I configure multiple domains with the same code instance?
You can do that. What you can't do is point two different domains at the same database.