Created Running Friendica with SSL (markdown)

tobiasd 2012-03-14 03:31:35 -07:00
parent 42c37f1842
commit 47fa8dea85
1 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
If you are running your own Friendica site, you may want to use SSL (https) to encrypt communication between yourself and your server (communication between servers is encrypted anyway).
To do that, you have to obtain a certificate from a trusted organization (so-called self-signed certificates that are popular among geeks dont work very well with Friendica, because they can cause disturbances in other people's browsers).
## Shared hosts ##
If you are using a shared host, your provider may well obtain and install the certificate for you. You will then only need to apply and pay for it and everything will be set up. If that is the case for you, the rest of this document need not concern you at all. Just make sure the certificate is for the address that Friendica uses: e.g. or
The above ought to be the most common scenario for Friendica sites, making the rest of this article superfluous for most people.
## Obtaining a certificate yourself ##
Alternatively, a few shared hosting providers may ask you to obtain and upload the certificate yourself.
The next section describes the process of acquiring a certificate from StartSSL. The good thing about StartSSL is that you can get an entry-level, but perfectly sufficient certificate for free. Thats not the case with most other certificate issuers - so we will be concentrating on StartSSL in this document If you want to use a certificate from a different source, you will have to follow the instructions given by that organization. We can't cover every possibility here.
Installing your certificate - once you have obtained it - depends on your providers way of doing things. But for shared hosts, there will usually be an easy web tool for this.
Note: Your certificate is usually restricted to one subdomain. When you apply for the certificate, make sure its for the domain and subdomain Friendica uses: e.g. or
## Getting a free StartSSL certificate ##
StartSSLs website attempts to guide you through the process of obtaining a free certificate, but some people end up frustrated. We really recommend working your way through the steps on the site very slowly and carefully. Don't take things for granted - read every word before proceeding and don't close the browser window until everything is working. That said, there are three main stumbling blocks that can confuse users:
1. When you initially sign up with StartSSL, the first certificate you receive is simply installed in your browser (though you should also store it somewhere safe, so that you can reinstall it in any other browser at a later date, for instance when you need to renew something). This authentication certificate is only used for logging on to the StartSSL website it has nothing to do with the certificate you will need for your server. As a first-timer with StartSSL, start here: and choose the Express Lane option to get that browser authentication certificate. Then seamlessly continue to the process of acquiring the desired certificate for your server (the one you actually came for). You can change the websites language if that makes things easier for you.
1. When you are first prompted for a domain to certify, you need to enter your top-level domain not the subdomain Friendica uses. In the next step, you will be able to specify that subdomain. So if you have on your server, you first enter and specify the subdomain friendica later.
1. Dont quit too fast when you have received your personal web server certificate at the end of the procedure. Depending on your server software, you will also require one or two generic files for use with this free StartSSL certificate. These are and ca.pem. If you have already overlooked this step, you can download those files here: But once again, the very best way of doing things is not to quit the StartSSL site until you are completely done and your https certificate is up and working.
## Virtual private and dedicated servers (using StartSSL free) ##
The rest of this document is slightly more complicated, but its only for people running Friendica on a virtual private or dedicated server. ___Everyone else can stop reading at this point___.
Follow the instructions here ( ) to configure the web server you are using (e.g. Apache) for your certificate.
To illustrate the necessary changes, we will now assume you are running Apache. In essence, you can simply create a second ``httpd.conf`` entry for Friendica.
To do this, you copy the existing one and change the end of the first line to read ``:443>`` instead of ``:80>``, then add the following lines to that entry, as also shown in StartSSLs instructions:
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /usr/local/apache/conf/
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ca.pem
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_request_log \
"%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
(Note that the directory ``/usr/local/apache/conf/`` may not exist on your machine. For Debian, for instance, the directory might be ``/etc/apache2/`` - in which you can create an ssl subdirectory if it doesnt already exist. Then you have ``/etc/apache2/ssl/…`` instead of ``/usr/local/apache/conf/…``)
You thus end up with two entries for your Friendica site - one for simple http and one for https.
## Mixing certificates on Apache StartSSL and others (self-signed) ##
Many people using a virtual private or dedicated server will be running more than Friendica on it. They will probably want to use SSL for other sites they run on the server, too. To achieve this, they may wish to employ more than one certificate with a single IP for instance, a trusted one for Friendica and a self-signed certificate for personal stuff (possibly a wildcard certificate covering arbitrary subdomains).
For this to work, Apache offers a ``NameVirtualHost`` directive. You can see how to use it in ``httpd.conf`` in the following pattern. Note that wildcards ``(*)`` in ``httpd.conf`` break the ``NameVirtualHost`` method you cant use them in this new configuration. In other words, no more ``*80>`` or ``*443>``. And you really must specify the IP, too, even if you only have one. Also note that you will soon be needing two additional ``NameVirtualHost`` lines at the top of the file to cater for IPv6.
NameVirtualHost 12.123.456.1:443
NameVirtualHost 12.123.456.1:80
DocumentRoot /var/www/anywhere
DocumentRoot /var/www/anywhere
SSLEngine On
<pointers to a an eligible cert>
<more ssl stuff >
<other stuff>
DocumentRoot /var/www/somewhere-else
<VirtualHost www.somewhere-else:443>
DocumentRoot /var/www/somewhere-else
SSLEngine On
<pointers to another eligible cert>
<more ssl stuff >
<other stuff>
Of course, you may optionally be using other places like the ``sites-available`` directory to configure Apache, in which case only some of this information need be in ``httpd.conf`` or ``ports.conf`` - specifically, the ``NameVirtualHost`` lines must be there. But if you're savvy about alternatives like that, you will probably be able to figure out the details yourself.
Just restart Apache when you're done, whichever way you decide to do it.
## Mixing certificates on other servers ##
To run multiple sites using different certificates with a single IP, mechanisms vary from server to server. The section above covers Apache, the most widespread web server and the one Friendica is designed for. Other servers will have different requirements. We hope to provide some notes about this at a later date.