### Last Build: [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mexitek/phpColors.png)](http://travis-ci.org/mexitek/phpColors) ## Installation ### Composer Simply add `mexitek/phpcolors` to `composer.json` using `dev-master`. `composer require mexitek/phpcolors dev-master` ## How it works Instantiate an object of the color class with a hex color string `$foo = new Color("336699")`. That's it! Now, call the methods you need for different color variants. ## Available Methods - darken( [$amount] ) : Allows you to obtain a darker shade of your color. Optionally you can decide to darken using a desired percentage. - lighten( [$amount] ) : Allows you to obtain a lighter shade of your color. Optionally you can decide to lighten using a desired percentage. - mix($hex, [$amount] ) : Allows you to mix another color to your color. Optionally you can decide to set the percent of second color or original color amount is ranged -100..0.100. - isLight( [$hex] ) : Determines whether your color (or the provide param) is considered a "light" color. Returns `TRUE` if color is light. - isDark( [$hex] ) : Determines whether your color (or the provide param) is considered a "dark" color. Returns `TRUE` if color is dark. - makeGradient( [$amount] ) : Returns an array with 2 indices `light` and `dark`, the initial color will either be selected for `light` or `dark` depending on its brightness, then the other color will be generated. The optional param allows for a static lighten or darkened amount. - complementary() : Returns the color "opposite" or complementary to your color. - getHex() : Returns the original hex color. - getHsl() : Returns HSL array for your color. - getRgb() : Returns RGB array for your color. > Auto lightens/darkens by 10% for sexily-subtle gradients ```php /** * Using The Class */ use Mexitek\PHPColors\Color; // Initialize my color $myBlue = new Color("#336699"); echo $myBlue->darken(); // 1a334d echo $myBlue->lighten(); // 8cb3d9 echo $myBlue->isLight(); // false echo $myBlue->isDark(); // true echo $myBlue->complementary(); // 996633 echo $myBlue->getHex(); // 336699 print_r( $myBlue->getHsl() ); // array( "H"=> 210, "S"=> 0.5, "L"=>0.4 ); print_r( $myBlue->getRgb() ); // array( "R"=> 51, "G"=> 102, "B"=>153 ); print_r($myBlue->makeGradient()); // array( "light"=>"8cb3d9" ,"dark"=>"336699" ) ``` ## Static Methods - hslToHex( $hsl ) : Convert a HSL array to a HEX string. - hexToHsl( $hex ) : Convert a HEX string into an HSL array. - hexToRgb( $hex ) : Convert a HEX string into an RGB array. - rgbToHex( $rgb ) : Convert an RGB array into a HEX string. ```php /** * On The Fly Custom Calculations */ use Mexitek\PHPColors\Color; // Convert my HEX $myBlue = Color::hexToHsl("#336699"); // Get crazy with the HUE $myBlue["H"] = 295; // Gimme my new color!! echo Color::hslToHex($myBlue); // 913399 ``` ## CSS Helpers - getCssGradient( [$amount] [, $vintageBrowsers] ) : Generates the CSS3 gradients for safari, chrome, opera, firefox and IE10. Optional percentage amount for lighter/darker shade. Optional boolean for older gradient CSS support. > Would like to add support to custom gradient stops ```php use Mexitek\PHPColors\Color; // Initialize my color $myBlue = new Color("#336699"); // Get CSS echo $myBlue->getCssGradient(); /* - Actual output doesn't have comments and is single line // fallback background background: #336699; // IE Browsers filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#8cb3d9', endColorstr='#336699'); // Safari 5.1+, Mobile Safari, Chrome 10+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #8cb3d9, #336699); // Standards background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #8cb3d9, #336699); */ ``` However, if you want to support the ancient browsers (which has negligible market share and almost died out), you can set the second parameter to `TRUE`. This will output: ```php use Mexitek\PHPColors\Color; $myBlue = new Color("#336699"); // Get CSS echo $myBlue->getCssGradient(10, TRUE); /* - Actual output doesn't have comments and is single line background: #336699; // fallback background filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#8cb3d9', endColorstr='#336699'); // IE Browsers background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#8cb3d9), to(#336699)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 1-9 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #8cb3d9, #336699); // Safari 5.1+, Mobile Safari, Chrome 10+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #8cb3d9, #336699); // Firefox 3.6+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #8cb3d9, #336699); // Opera 11.10+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #8cb3d9, #336699); // Standards */ ``` ## GitHub Contributors - mexitek - danielpataki - alexmglover - intuxicated - pborreli - curtisgibby - matthewpatterson - there4 - alex-humphreys - zaher - primozcigler - thedavidmeister # License: [arlo.mit-license.org](http://arlo.mit-license.org)