" => [ * "comment" => "Description of the table", * "fields" => [ * "" => [ * "type" => "{()} ", * "not null" => 0|1, * {"extra" => "auto_increment",} * {"default" => "",} * {"default" => NULL_DATE,} (for datetime fields) * {"primary" => "1",} * {"foreign|relation" => ["" => ""],} * "comment" => "Description of the fields" * ], * ... * ], * "indexes" => [ * "PRIMARY" => ["", ...], * "" => [{"UNIQUE",} "{()}", ...] * ... * ], * ], * * Whenever possible prefer "foreign" before "relation" with the foreign keys. * "foreign" adds true foreign keys on the database level, while "relation" is just an indicator of a table relation without any consequences * * If you need to make any change, make sure to increment the DB_UPDATE_VERSION constant value below. * */ namespace Friendica\Test\src\Protocol; use Friendica\Protocol\WebFingerUri; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class WebFingerUriTest extends TestCase { public function dataFromString(): array { return [ 'long' => [ 'expectedLong' => 'acct:selma@www.example.com:8080/friend', 'expectedShort' => 'selma@www.example.com:8080/friend', 'input' => 'acct:selma@www.example.com:8080/friend', ], 'short' => [ 'expectedLong' => 'acct:selma@www.example.com:8080/friend', 'expectedShort' => 'selma@www.example.com:8080/friend', 'input' => 'selma@www.example.com:8080/friend', ], 'minimal' => [ 'expectedLong' => 'acct:bob@example.com', 'expectedShort' => 'bob@example.com', 'input' => 'bob@example.com', ], 'acct:' => [ 'expectedLong' => 'acct:alice@example.acct:90', 'expectedShort' => 'alice@example.acct:90', 'input' => 'alice@example.acct:90', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataFromString * @param string $expectedLong * @param string $expectedShort * @param string $input * @return void */ public function testFromString(string $expectedLong, string $expectedShort, string $input) { $uri = WebFingerUri::fromString($input); $this->assertEquals($expectedLong, $uri->getLongForm()); $this->assertEquals($expectedShort, $uri->getShortForm()); } public function dataFromStringFailure() { return [ 'missing user' => [ 'input' => 'example.com', ], 'missing user @' => [ 'input' => '@example.com', ], 'missing host' => [ 'input' => 'alice', ], 'missing host @' => [ 'input' => 'alice@', ], 'missing everything' => [ 'input' => '', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataFromStringFailure * @param string $input * @return void */ public function testFromStringFailure(string $input) { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); WebFingerUri::fromString($input); } }