Fix optical glitch: Replace multiple newlines when replacing attachments

Michael 2019-12-20 09:45:34 +00:00
parent 85ae12a873
commit 81d500c271
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -398,15 +398,15 @@ class BBCode extends BaseObject
public static function removeAttachment($body, $no_link_desc = false)
return preg_replace_callback("/\[attachment (.*)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]/ism",
return preg_replace_callback("/\s*\[attachment (.*)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]\s*/ism",
function ($match) use ($no_link_desc) {
$attach_data = self::getAttachmentData($match[0]);
if (empty($attach_data['url'])) {
return $match[0];
} elseif (empty($attach_data['title']) || $no_link_desc) {
return '[url]' . $attach_data['url'] . "[/url]\n";
return "\n[url]" . $attach_data['url'] . "[/url]\n";
} else {
return '[url=' . $attach_data['url'] . ']' . $attach_data['title'] . "[/url]\n";
return "\n[url=" . $attach_data['url'] . ']' . $attach_data['title'] . "[/url]\n";
}, $body);