<?php namespace Sabre\VObject\Component; use Sabre\VObject; /** * VAlarm component * * This component contains some additional functionality specific for VALARMs. * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved. * @author Evert Pot (http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl/) * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License */ class VAlarm extends VObject\Component { /** * Returns a DateTime object when this alarm is going to trigger. * * This ignores repeated alarm, only the first trigger is returned. * * @return DateTime */ public function getEffectiveTriggerTime() { $trigger = $this->TRIGGER; if(!isset($trigger['VALUE']) || strtoupper($trigger['VALUE']) === 'DURATION') { $triggerDuration = VObject\DateTimeParser::parseDuration($this->TRIGGER); $related = (isset($trigger['RELATED']) && strtoupper($trigger['RELATED']) == 'END') ? 'END' : 'START'; $parentComponent = $this->parent; if ($related === 'START') { $effectiveTrigger = clone $parentComponent->DTSTART->getDateTime(); $effectiveTrigger->add($triggerDuration); } else { if ($parentComponent->name === 'VTODO') { $endProp = 'DUE'; } elseif ($parentComponent->name === 'VEVENT') { $endProp = 'DTEND'; } else { throw new \LogicException('time-range filters on VALARM components are only supported when they are a child of VTODO or VEVENT'); } if (isset($parentComponent->$endProp)) { $effectiveTrigger = clone $parentComponent->$endProp->getDateTime(); $effectiveTrigger->add($triggerDuration); } elseif (isset($parentComponent->DURATION)) { $effectiveTrigger = clone $parentComponent->DTSTART->getDateTime(); $duration = VObject\DateTimeParser::parseDuration($parentComponent->DURATION); $effectiveTrigger->add($duration); $effectiveTrigger->add($triggerDuration); } else { $effectiveTrigger = clone $parentComponent->DTSTART->getDateTime(); $effectiveTrigger->add($triggerDuration); } } } else { $effectiveTrigger = $trigger->getDateTime(); } return $effectiveTrigger; } /** * Returns true or false depending on if the event falls in the specified * time-range. This is used for filtering purposes. * * The rules used to determine if an event falls within the specified * time-range is based on the CalDAV specification. * * @param \DateTime $start * @param \DateTime $end * @return bool */ public function isInTimeRange(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) { $effectiveTrigger = $this->getEffectiveTriggerTime(); if (isset($this->DURATION)) { $duration = VObject\DateTimeParser::parseDuration($this->DURATION); $repeat = (string)$this->repeat; if (!$repeat) { $repeat = 1; } $period = new \DatePeriod($effectiveTrigger, $duration, (int)$repeat); foreach($period as $occurrence) { if ($start <= $occurrence && $end > $occurrence) { return true; } } return false; } else { return ($start <= $effectiveTrigger && $end > $effectiveTrigger); } } }