request->getInput(); if (is_object($input)) { $requestPayloadHash = $input->getSha256(); } else { $requestPayloadHash = hash('sha256', '', false); } $amzHeaders['x-amz-content-sha256'] = $requestPayloadHash; } /** * Get a pre-signed URL for the request. Typically used to pre-sign GET requests to objects, i.e. give shareable * pre-authorized URLs for downloading files from S3. * * @param integer|null $lifetime Lifetime in seconds. NULL for default lifetime. * @param bool $https Use HTTPS ($hostBucket should be false for SSL verification)? * * @return string The presigned URL */ public function getAuthenticatedURL(?int $lifetime = null, bool $https = false): string { // Set the Expires header if (is_null($lifetime)) { $lifetime = 10; } /** * Authenticated URLs must always go through the generic regional endpoint, not the virtual hosting-style domain * name. This means that if you have a bucket "example" in the EU West 1 (Ireland) region we have to go through * instead of for all authenticated URLs */ $region = $this->request->getConfiguration()->getRegion(); $hostname = $this->getPresignedHostnameForRegion($region); $this->request->setHeader('Host', $hostname); // Set the expiration time in seconds $this->request->setHeader('Expires', (int) $lifetime); // Get the query parameters, including the calculated signature $bucket = $this->request->getBucket(); $uri = $this->request->getResource(); $headers = $this->request->getHeaders(); $protocol = $https ? 'https' : 'http'; $serialisedParams = $this->getAuthorizationHeader(); // The query parameters are returned serialized; unserialize them, then build and return the URL. $queryParameters = unserialize($serialisedParams); $query = http_build_query($queryParameters); $url = $protocol . '://' . $headers['Host'] . $uri; $url .= (strpos($uri, '?') !== false) ? '&' : '?'; $url .= $query; return $url; } /** * Returns the authorization header for the request * * @return string */ public function getAuthorizationHeader(): string { $verb = strtoupper($this->request->getVerb()); $resourcePath = $this->request->getResource(); $headers = $this->request->getHeaders(); $amzHeaders = $this->request->getAmzHeaders(); $parameters = $this->request->getParameters(); $bucket = $this->request->getBucket(); $isPresignedURL = false; // See the Connector class for the explanation behind this ugly workaround $amazonIsBraindead = isset($headers['workaround-braindead-error-from-amazon']); if ($amazonIsBraindead) { unset ($headers['workaround-braindead-error-from-amazon']); } // Get the credentials scope $signatureDate = new DateTime($headers['Date']); $credentialScope = $signatureDate->format('Ymd') . '/' . $this->request->getConfiguration()->getRegion() . '/' . 's3/aws4_request'; /** * If the Expires header is set up we're pre-signing a download URL. The string to sign is a bit * different in this case and we have to pass certain headers as query string parameters. * * @see */ if (isset($headers['Expires'])) { $gmtDate = clone $signatureDate; $gmtDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('GMT')); $parameters['X-Amz-Algorithm'] = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"; $parameters['X-Amz-Credential'] = $this->request->getConfiguration()->getAccess() . '/' . $credentialScope; $parameters['X-Amz-Date'] = $gmtDate->format('Ymd\THis\Z'); $parameters['X-Amz-Expires'] = sprintf('%u', $headers['Expires']); $token = $this->request->getConfiguration()->getToken(); if (!empty($token)) { $parameters['x-amz-security-token'] = $token; } unset($headers['Expires']); unset($headers['Date']); unset($headers['Content-MD5']); unset($headers['Content-Type']); $isPresignedURL = true; } // ========== Step 1: Create a canonical request ========== // See $canonicalHeaders = ""; $signedHeadersArray = []; // Calculate the canonical headers and the signed headers if ($isPresignedURL) { // Presigned URLs use UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD instead unset($amzHeaders['x-amz-content-sha256']); } $allHeaders = array_merge($headers, $amzHeaders); ksort($allHeaders); foreach ($allHeaders as $k => $v) { $lowercaseHeaderName = strtolower($k); if ($amazonIsBraindead && ($lowercaseHeaderName == 'content-length')) { /** * I know it looks crazy. It is. Somehow Amazon requires me to do this and only on _some_ servers, mind * you. This is something undocumented and which is not covered by their official SDK. I had to write * my own library because of that and the official SDK's inability to upload large files without using * at least as much memory as the file itself (which doesn't fly well for files around 2Gb, let me tell * you that!). */ $v = "$v,$v"; } $canonicalHeaders .= $lowercaseHeaderName . ':' . trim($v) . "\n"; $signedHeadersArray[] = $lowercaseHeaderName; } $signedHeaders = implode(';', $signedHeadersArray); if ($isPresignedURL) { $parameters['X-Amz-SignedHeaders'] = $signedHeaders; } // The canonical URI is the resource path $canonicalURI = $resourcePath; $bucketResource = '/' . $bucket; $regionalHostname = ($headers['Host'] != '') && ($headers['Host'] != $bucket . ''); // Special case: if the canonical URI ends in /?location the bucket name DOES count as part of the canonical URL // even though the Host is (in which case it normally shouldn't count). Yeah, I know, it makes // no sense!!! if (!$regionalHostname && ($headers['Host'] == '') && (substr($canonicalURI, -10) == '/?location')) { $regionalHostname = true; } if (!$regionalHostname && (strpos($canonicalURI, $bucketResource) === 0)) { if ($canonicalURI === $bucketResource) { $canonicalURI = '/'; } else { $canonicalURI = substr($canonicalURI, strlen($bucketResource)); } } // If the resource path has a query yank it and parse it into the parameters array $questionMarkPos = strpos($canonicalURI, '?'); if ($questionMarkPos !== false) { $canonicalURI = substr($canonicalURI, 0, $questionMarkPos); $queryString = @substr($canonicalURI, $questionMarkPos + 1); @parse_str($queryString, $extraQuery); if (count($extraQuery)) { $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $extraQuery); } } // The canonical query string is the string representation of $parameters, alpha sorted by key ksort($parameters); // We build the query the hard way because http_build_query in PHP 5.3 does NOT have the fourth parameter // (encoding type), defaulting to RFC 1738 encoding whereas S3 expects RFC 3986 encoding $canonicalQueryString = ''; if (!empty($parameters)) { $temp = []; foreach ($parameters as $k => $v) { $temp[] = $this->urlencode($k) . '=' . $this->urlencode($v); } $canonicalQueryString = implode('&', $temp); } // Get the payload hash $requestPayloadHash = 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD'; if (isset($amzHeaders['x-amz-content-sha256'])) { $requestPayloadHash = $amzHeaders['x-amz-content-sha256']; } // Calculate the canonical request $canonicalRequest = $verb . "\n" . $canonicalURI . "\n" . $canonicalQueryString . "\n" . $canonicalHeaders . "\n" . $signedHeaders . "\n" . $requestPayloadHash; $hashedCanonicalRequest = hash('sha256', $canonicalRequest); // ========== Step 2: Create a string to sign ========== // See if (!isset($headers['Date'])) { $headers['Date'] = ''; } $stringToSign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" . $headers['Date'] . "\n" . $credentialScope . "\n" . $hashedCanonicalRequest; if ($isPresignedURL) { $stringToSign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" . $parameters['X-Amz-Date'] . "\n" . $credentialScope . "\n" . $hashedCanonicalRequest; } // ========== Step 3: Calculate the signature ========== // See $kSigning = $this->getSigningKey($signatureDate); $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToSign, $kSigning, false); // ========== Step 4: Add the signing information to the Request ========== // See $authorization = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=' . $this->request->getConfiguration()->getAccess() . '/' . $credentialScope . ', ' . 'SignedHeaders=' . $signedHeaders . ', ' . 'Signature=' . $signature; // For presigned URLs we only return the Base64-encoded signature without the AWS format specifier and the // public access key. if ($isPresignedURL) { $parameters['X-Amz-Signature'] = $signature; return serialize($parameters); } return $authorization; } /** * Calculate the AWS4 signing key * * @param DateTime $signatureDate The date the signing key is good for * * @return string */ private function getSigningKey(DateTime $signatureDate): string { $kSecret = $this->request->getConfiguration()->getSecret(); $kDate = hash_hmac('sha256', $signatureDate->format('Ymd'), 'AWS4' . $kSecret, true); $kRegion = hash_hmac('sha256', $this->request->getConfiguration()->getRegion(), $kDate, true); $kService = hash_hmac('sha256', 's3', $kRegion, true); $kSigning = hash_hmac('sha256', 'aws4_request', $kService, true); return $kSigning; } private function urlencode(?string $toEncode): string { if (empty($toEncode)) { return ''; } return str_replace('+', '%20', urlencode($toEncode)); } /** * Get the correct hostname for the given AWS region * * @param string $region * * @return string */ private function getPresignedHostnameForRegion(string $region): string { $endpoint = 's3.' . $region . ''; $dualstackEnabled = $this->request->getConfiguration()->getDualstackUrl(); // If dual-stack URLs are enabled then prepend the endpoint if ($dualstackEnabled) { $endpoint = 's3.dualstack.' . $region . ''; } if ($region == 'cn-north-1') { return $endpoint . '.cn'; } return $endpoint; } }