<?php $a->strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "esdeveniments Nadius a Friendica"; $a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Friendica-Contactes"; $a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Els teus Contactes a Friendica"; $a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "Quelcom va anar malament quan intentava importar l'arxiu. Disculpes. Por ser alguns esdeveniments es varen importar d'alguna manera."; $a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "Quelcom va anar malament quan intentava importar l'arxiu. Disculpes."; $a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "L'arxiu ICS ha estat importat"; $a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Cap arxiu es va carregar."; $a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Tornar al calendari"; $a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "importar un arxiu ICS"; $a->strings["ICS-File"] = "Arxiu ICS"; $a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Sobrescriu tots #num# esdeveniments existents"; $a->strings["Upload"] = "Pujar"; $a->strings["Settings"] = "Ajustos"; $a->strings["Help"] = "Ajuda"; $a->strings["New event"] = "Nou esdeveniment"; $a->strings["Today"] = "Avui"; $a->strings["Day"] = "Dia"; $a->strings["Week"] = "Setmana"; $a->strings["Month"] = "Mes"; $a->strings["Reload"] = "Recarregar"; $a->strings["Previous"] = "Previ"; $a->strings["Next"] = "Següent"; $a->strings["Date"] = "Data"; $a->strings["Error"] = "Error"; $a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permís denegat."; $a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Els nous valors s'han guardat."; $a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "El calendari ha estat actualitzat."; $a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "El nou calendari ha estat creat."; $a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "el calendari ha estat esborrat."; $a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Ajustos de Calendari"; $a->strings["Date format"] = "Format de la data"; $a->strings["Time zone"] = "Zona horària"; $a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar"; $a->strings["Calendars"] = "Calendaris"; $a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Creat un nou calendari"; $a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limitacions"; $a->strings["Warning"] = "Avís"; $a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Syncronització (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"; $a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Sncronitzant aquest calendari amb el iPhone"; $a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Sincronitzant els teus contactes a Friendica amb el iPhone"; $a->strings["The current version of this addon has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = ""; $a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendari"; $a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Calendari ampliat amb suport CalDAV"; $a->strings["noreply"] = "no contestar"; $a->strings["Notification: "] = ""; $a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Les taules de la base de dades han estat instal·lades."; $a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Ha ocorregut un error durant la instal·lació."; $a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = ""; $a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = ""; $a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "No tens enllestits els ajustos del sistema."; $a->strings["Database status"] = "Estat de la base de dades"; $a->strings["Installed"] = "Instal·lat"; $a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Necessites actualitzar"; $a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events <i>should</i> be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = ""; $a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Actualització"; $a->strings["Not installed"] = "No instal·lat"; $a->strings["Install"] = "Instal·lat"; $a->strings["Unknown"] = ""; $a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = ""; $a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Solució de problemes"; $a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Creació manual de les taules de la base de dades:"; $a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "Mostrar instruccions de SQL "; $a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Calendari Privat"; $a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Esdeveniments Friendica: Meus"; $a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Esdeveniments Friendica: Contactes"; $a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Adreces Privades"; $a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Contactes a Friendica"; $a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = ""; $a->strings["Event data"] = "data d'esdeveniment"; $a->strings["Special color"] = "Color especial"; $a->strings["Subject"] = "Subjecte"; $a->strings["Starts"] = "Inicia"; $a->strings["Ends"] = "Finalitza"; $a->strings["Location"] = "Ubicació"; $a->strings["Description"] = "Descripció"; $a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Reaparició"; $a->strings["Frequency"] = "Freqüència"; $a->strings["None"] = "Cap"; $a->strings["Daily"] = "Diari"; $a->strings["Weekly"] = "Setmanal"; $a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensual"; $a->strings["Yearly"] = "Anyal"; $a->strings["days"] = "dies"; $a->strings["weeks"] = "setmanes"; $a->strings["months"] = "mesos"; $a->strings["years"] = "anys"; $a->strings["Interval"] = "Interval"; $a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "Tot %select% %time%"; $a->strings["Days"] = "Dies"; $a->strings["Sunday"] = "Diumenge"; $a->strings["Monday"] = "Dilluns"; $a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Dimarts"; $a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Dimecres"; $a->strings["Thursday"] = "Dijous"; $a->strings["Friday"] = "Divendres"; $a->strings["Saturday"] = "Dissabte"; $a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Primer dia de la setmana:"; $a->strings["Day of month"] = "Dia del mes"; $a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "#num# de cada mes"; $a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "#num# ultim de cada mes"; $a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "#num# #wkday# de cada mes"; $a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "#num# ultim #wkday# de cada mes"; $a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "#num# del mes corrent"; $a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "#num# ultim del mes corrent"; $a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num# #wkday# del mes corrent"; $a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num# ultim #wkday# del mes corrent"; $a->strings["Repeat until"] = "repetir fins"; $a->strings["Infinite"] = "Infinit"; $a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Fins la data següent"; $a->strings["Number of times"] = "Nombre de vegades"; $a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Excepcions"; $a->strings["none"] = "res"; $a->strings["Notification"] = "Notificació"; $a->strings["Notify by"] = "Notificat per"; $a->strings["Remove"] = "Esborrar"; $a->strings["E-Mail"] = "E-Mail"; $a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "A Friendica / Display"; $a->strings["Time"] = "Hora"; $a->strings["Hours"] = "Hores"; $a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minuts"; $a->strings["Seconds"] = "Segons"; $a->strings["Weeks"] = "Setmanes"; $a->strings["before the"] = "bans de"; $a->strings["start of the event"] = "inici del esdeveniment"; $a->strings["end of the event"] = "fi del esdeveniment"; $a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Afegir una notificació"; $a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "El esdeveniment #name# començara el #date"; $a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# esta a punt de començar."; $a->strings["Saved"] = "Guardat"; $a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Data en format U.S. (mm/dd/YYY)"; $a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Data en format Alemany (dd.mm.YYYY)"; $a->strings["Private Events"] = "Esdeveniment Privat"; $a->strings["No access"] = "Inaccessible"; $a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Contacte Privat";