
Jappix - An open social platform
These are the notification board JS script for Jappix


License: AGPL
Author: Vanaryon
Last revision: 12/03/11


// Creates a board panel
function createBoard(type, id) {
	// Text var
	var text = '';
	// Info
	if(type == 'info') {
		switch(id) {
			// Password change
			case 1:
				text = _e("Your password has been changed, now you can connect to your account with your new login data.");
			// Account deletion
			case 2:
				text = _e("Your XMPP account has been removed, bye!");
			// Account logout
			case 3:
				text = _e("You have been logged out of your XMPP account, have a nice day!");
			// Groupchat join
			case 4:
				text = _e("The room you joined seems not to exist. You should create it!");
			// Groupchat removal
			case 5:
				text = _e("The groupchat has been removed, now someone else will be able to recreate it.");
			// Non-existant groupchat user
			case 6:
				text = _e("The user that you want to reach is not present in the room.");
	// Error
	else {
		switch(id) {
			// Custom error
			case 1:
				text = '<b>' + _e("Error") + '</b> &raquo; <span></span>';
			// Network error
			case 2:
				text = _e("Jappix has been interrupted by a network issue, a bug or bad login (check that you entered the right credentials), sorry for the inconvenience.");
			// List retrieving error
			case 3:
				text = _e("The element list on this server could not be obtained!");
			// Attaching error
			case 4:
				text = printf(_e("An error occured while uploading your file: maybe it is too big (%s maximum) or forbidden!"), JAPPIX_MAX_UPLOAD);
	// No text?
		return false;
	// Append the content
	$('#board').append('<div class="one-board ' + type + '" data-id="' + id + '">' + text + '</div>');
	// Events (click and auto-hide)
	$('#board .one-board.' + type + '[data-id=' + id + ']')
	.click(function() {
	.oneTime('5s', function() {
	return true;

// Destroys the existing board notifications
function destroyBoard() {

// Executes a given action on the notification board
function actionBoard(id, type) {
	// In a first, we destroy other boards
	// Then we display the board
	createBoard(type, id);

// Opens a given error ID
function openThisError(id) {
	actionBoard(id, 'error');

// Opens a given info ID
function openThisInfo(id) {
	actionBoard(id, 'info');

// Closes a given board
function closeThisBoard(board) {
	$(board).slideUp('normal', function() {