<?php if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_pt_br")) { function string_plural_select_pt_br($n){ return ($n > 1);; }} ; $a->strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = ""; $a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = ""; $a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Habilitar filtro de conteúdo"; $a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = ""; $a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar"; $a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = ""; $a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = ""; $a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "";