<?php /** * Name: Cat Avatar Generator * Description: Generate a default avatar based on David Revoy's cat-avatar-generator https://framagit.org/Deevad/cat-avatar-generator * Version: 1.1 * Author: Fabio <https://kirgroup.com/profile/fabrixxm> */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Photo; use Friendica\Model\Profile; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NotFoundException; define("CATAVATAR_SIZE", 256); /** * Installs the addon hook */ function catavatar_install() { Hook::register('avatar_lookup', 'addon/catavatar/catavatar.php', 'catavatar_lookup'); Hook::register('addon_settings', 'addon/catavatar/catavatar.php', 'catavatar_addon_settings'); Hook::register('addon_settings_post', 'addon/catavatar/catavatar.php', 'catavatar_addon_settings_post'); Logger::log('registered catavatar'); } /** * Cat avatar user settings page */ function catavatar_addon_settings(App $a, &$s) { if (!local_user()) { return; } $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('settings.tpl', 'addon/catavatar/'); $s .= Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ '$postpost' => !empty($_POST['catavatar-morecat']) || !empty($_POST['catavatar-emailcat']), '$uncache' => time(), '$uid' => local_user(), '$usecat' => DI::l10n()->t('Use Cat as Avatar'), '$morecat' => DI::l10n()->t('More Random Cat!'), '$emailcat' => DI::l10n()->t('Reset to email Cat'), '$seed' => DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'catavatar', 'seed', false), '$header' => DI::l10n()->t('Cat Avatar Settings'), '$setrandomize' => DI::l10n()->t('Set default profile avatar or randomize the cat.'), ]); } /** * Cat avatar user settings POST handle */ function catavatar_addon_settings_post(App $a, &$s) { if (!local_user()) { return; } if (!empty($_POST['catavatar-usecat'])) { $url = DI::baseUrl()->get() . '/catavatar/' . local_user() . '?ts=' . time(); $self = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], ['uid' => local_user(), 'self' => true]); if (!DBA::isResult($self)) { notice(DI::l10n()->t("The cat hadn't found itself.")); return; } Photo::importProfilePhoto($url, local_user(), $self['id']); $condition = ['uid' => local_user(), 'contact-id' => $self['id']]; $photo = DBA::selectFirst('photo', ['resource-id'], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($photo)) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('There was an error, the cat ran away.')); return; } DBA::update('photo', ['profile' => false], ['profile' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]); $fields = ['profile' => true, 'album' => DI::l10n()->t('Profile Photos'), 'contact-id' => 0]; DBA::update('photo', $fields, ['uid' => local_user(), 'resource-id' => $photo['resource-id']]); Photo::importProfilePhoto($url, local_user(), $self['id']); Contact::updateSelfFromUserID(local_user(), true); // Update global directory in background Profile::publishUpdate(local_user()); info(DI::l10n()->t('Meow!')); return; } if (!empty($_POST['catavatar-morecat'])) { DI::pConfig()->set(local_user(), 'catavatar', 'seed', time()); } if (!empty($_POST['catavatar-emailcat'])) { DI::pConfig()->delete(local_user(), 'catavatar', 'seed'); } } /** * Returns the URL to the cat avatar * * @param $a array * @param &$b array */ function catavatar_lookup(App $a, &$b) { $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['uid'], ['email' => $b['email']]); if (DBA::isResult($user)) { $url = DI::baseUrl()->get() . '/catavatar/' . $user['uid']; } else { $url = DI::baseUrl()->get() . '/catavatar/' . md5(trim(strtolower($b['email']))); } switch($b['size']) { case 300: $url .= "/4"; break; case 80: $url .= "/5"; break; case 48: $url .= "/6"; break; } $b['url'] = $url; $b['success'] = true; } function catavatar_module() {} /** * Returns image for user id * * @throws NotFoundException * */ function catavatar_content(App $a) { if (DI::args()->getArgc() < 2 || DI::args()->getArgc() > 3) { throw new NotFoundException(); // this should be catched on index and show default "not found" page. } if (is_numeric(DI::args()->getArgv()[1])) { $uid = intval(DI::args()->getArgv()[1]); $condition = ['uid' => $uid, 'account_expired' => false, 'account_removed' => false]; $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['email'], $condition); if ($user === false) { throw new NotFoundException(); } $seed = DI::pConfig()->get($uid, "catavatar", "seed", md5(trim(strtolower($user['email'])))); } elseif (!empty(DI::args()->getArgv()[1])) { $seed = DI::args()->getArgv()[1]; } else { throw new NotFoundException(); } $size = 0; if (DI::args()->getArgc() == 3) { $size = intval(DI::args()->getArgv()[2]); } // ...Or start generation ob_start(); // render the picture: build_cat($seed, $size); ob_end_flush(); exit(); } /** * ==================== * CAT-AVATAR-GENERATOR * ==================== * * @authors: Andreas Gohr, David Revoy * * This PHP is licensed under the short and simple permissive: * [MIT License](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License) * **/ function build_cat($seed = '', $size = 0) { // init random seed if ($seed) { srand(hexdec(substr(md5($seed), 0, 6))); } // throw the dice for body parts $parts = array( 'body' => rand(1, 15), 'fur' => rand(1, 10), 'eyes' => rand(1, 15), 'mouth' => rand(1, 10), 'accessorie' => rand(1, 20) ); // create backgound $cat = @imagecreatetruecolor(CATAVATAR_SIZE, CATAVATAR_SIZE) or die("GD image create failed"); $white = imagecolorallocate($cat, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($cat, 0, 0, $white); // add parts foreach ($parts as $part => $num) { $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/avatars/' . $part . '_' . $num . '.png'; $im = @imagecreatefrompng($file); if (!$im) { die('Failed to load ' . $file); } imageSaveAlpha($im, true); imagecopy($cat, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, CATAVATAR_SIZE, CATAVATAR_SIZE); imagedestroy($im); } // scale image if ($size > 3 && $size < 7) { switch ($size) { case 4: $size = 300; break; case 5: $size = 80; break; case 6: $size = 48; break; } $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($size, $size); imagealphablending($dest, false); imagesavealpha($dest, true); imagecopyresampled($dest, $cat, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size, $size, CATAVATAR_SIZE, CATAVATAR_SIZE); imagedestroy($cat); $cat = $dest; } // restore random seed if ($seed) { srand(); } header('Pragma: public'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=86400'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 86400)); header('Content-Type: image/jpg'); imagejpeg($cat, NULL, 90); imagedestroy($cat); }