<?php /** * Name: IFTTT Receiver * Description: Receives a post from https://ifttt.com/ and distributes it. * Version: 0.1 * Author: Michael Vogel <https://pirati.ca/profile/heluecht> */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\PageInfo; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Util\Strings; function ifttt_install() { Hook::register('connector_settings', 'addon/ifttt/ifttt.php', 'ifttt_settings'); Hook::register('connector_settings_post', 'addon/ifttt/ifttt.php', 'ifttt_settings_post'); } /** * This is a statement rather than an actual function definition. The simple * existence of this method is checked to figure out if the addon offers a * module. */ function ifttt_module() {} function ifttt_content() {} function ifttt_settings(App $a, array &$data) { if (!local_user()) { return; } $key = DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'ifttt', 'key'); if (!$key) { $key = Strings::getRandomHex(20); DI::pConfig()->set(local_user(), 'ifttt', 'key', $key); } $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('connector_settings.tpl', 'addon/ifttt/'); $html = Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ '$l10n' => [ 'intro' => DI::l10n()->t('Create an account at <a href="http://www.ifttt.com">IFTTT</a>. Create three Facebook recipes that are connected with <a href="https://ifttt.com/maker">Maker</a> (In the form "if Facebook then Maker") with the following parameters:'), 'url' => DI::l10n()->t('URL'), 'method' => DI::l10n()->t('Method'), 'content_type' => DI::l10n()->t('Content Type'), 'new_status_message_body' => DI::l10n()->t('Body for "new status message"'), 'new_photo_upload_body' => DI::l10n()->t('Body for "new photo upload"'), 'new_link_post_body' => DI::l10n()->t('Body for "new link post"'), ], '$url' => DI::baseUrl()->get() . '/ifttt/' . $a->getLoggedInUserNickname(), '$new_status_message_body' => 'key=' . $key . '&type=status&msg=<<<{{Message}}>>>&date=<<<{{UpdatedAt}}>>>&url=<<<{{PageUrl}}>>>', '$new_photo_upload_body' => 'key=' . $key . '&type=photo&link=<<<{{Link}}>>>&image=<<<{{ImageSource}}>>>&msg=<<<{{Caption}}>>>&date=<<<{{CreatedAt}}>>>&url=<<<{{PageUrl}}>>>', '$new_link_post_body' => 'key=' . $key . '&type=link&link=<<<{{Link}}>>>&title=<<<{{Title}}>>>&msg=<<<{{Message}}>>>&description=<<<{{Description}}>>>&date=<<<{{CreatedAt}}>>>&url=<<<{{PageUrl}}>>>', ]); $data = [ 'connector' => 'ifttt', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('IFTTT Mirror'), 'image' => 'addon/ifttt/ifttt.png', 'html' => $html, 'submit' => DI::l10n()->t('Generate new key'), ]; } function ifttt_settings_post() { if (!empty($_POST['ifttt-submit'])) { DI::pConfig()->delete(local_user(), 'ifttt', 'key'); } } function ifttt_post(App $a) { if (DI::args()->getArgc() != 2) { return; } $nickname = DI::args()->getArgv()[1]; $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['uid'], ['nickname' => $nickname]); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { Logger::info('User ' . $nickname . ' not found.'); return; } $uid = $user['uid']; Logger::info('Received a post for user ' . $uid . ' from ifttt ' . print_r($_REQUEST, true)); if (!isset($_REQUEST['key'])) { Logger::notice('No key found.'); return; } $key = $_REQUEST['key']; // Check the key if ($key != DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'ifttt', 'key')) { Logger::info('Invalid key for user ' . $uid); return; } $item = []; if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) { $item['type'] = $_REQUEST['type']; } if (!in_array($item['type'], ['status', 'link', 'photo'])) { Logger::info('Unknown item type ' . $item['type']); return; } if (isset($_REQUEST['link'])) { $item['link'] = trim($_REQUEST['link']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['image'])) { $item['image'] = trim($_REQUEST['image']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['title'])) { $item['title'] = trim($_REQUEST['title']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) { $item['msg'] = trim($_REQUEST['msg']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['description'])) { $item['description'] = trim($_REQUEST['description']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['date'])) { $item['date'] = date('c', strtotime($date = str_replace(' at ', ', ', $_REQUEST['date']))); } if (isset($_REQUEST['url'])) { $item['url'] = trim($_REQUEST['url']); } if ((substr($item['msg'], 0, 3) == '<<<') && (substr($item['msg'], -3, 3) == '>>>')) { $item['msg'] = substr($item['msg'], 3, -3); } ifttt_message($uid, $item); } function ifttt_message($uid, $item) { $a = DI::app(); $post = []; $post['uid'] = $uid; $post['app'] = 'IFTTT'; $post['title'] = ''; $post['body'] = $item['msg']; //$post['date'] = $item['date']; //$post['uri'] = $item['url']; if ($item['type'] == 'link') { $link = $item['link']; $data = PageInfo::queryUrl($item['link']); if (isset($item['title']) && (trim($item['title']) != '')) { $data['title'] = $item['title']; } if (isset($item['description']) && (trim($item['description']) != '')) { $data['text'] = $item['description']; } $post['body'] .= "\n" . PageInfo::getFooterFromData($data); } elseif (($item['type'] == 'photo') && ($item['image'] != '')) { $link = $item['image']; $post['body'] .= "\n\n[img]" . $item['image'] . "[/img]\n"; } elseif (!empty($item['url'])) { $link = $item['url']; } else { $link = hash('ripemd128', $item['msg']); } Post\Delayed::add($link, $post, Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM, Post\Delayed::UNPREPARED); }