<?php /** * Name: Current Weather * Description: Shows current weather conditions for user's location on their network page. * Version: 1.1 * Author: Tony Baldwin <http://friendica.tonybaldwin.info/u/t0ny> * Author: Fabio Comuni <http://kirkgroup.com/u/fabrixxm> * Author: Tobias Diekershoff <https://f.diekershoff.de/u/tobias> * */ require_once('include/network.php'); require_once("mod/proxy.php"); require_once('include/text.php'); use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\Cache; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; // get the weather data from OpenWeatherMap function getWeather( $loc, $units='metric', $lang='en', $appid='', $cachetime=0) { $url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=".$loc."&appid=".$appid."&lang=".$lang."&units=".$units."&mode=xml"; $cached = Cache::get('curweather'.md5($url)); $now = new DateTime(); if (!is_null($cached)) { $cdate = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'curweather', 'last'); $cached = unserialize($cached); if ($cdate + $cachetime > $now->getTimestamp()) { return $cached; } } try { $res = new SimpleXMLElement(fetch_url($url)); } catch (Exception $e) { info(t('Error fetching weather data.\nError was: '.$e->getMessage())); return false; } if ((string)$res->temperature['unit']==='metric') { $tunit = '°C'; $wunit = 'm/s'; } else { $tunit = '°F'; $wunit = 'mph'; } if ( trim((string)$res->weather['value']) == trim((string)$res->clouds['name']) ) { $desc = (string)$res->clouds['name']; } else { $desc = (string)$res->weather['value'].', '.(string)$res->clouds['name']; } $r = [ 'city'=> (string) $res->city['name'][0], 'country' => (string) $res->city->country[0], 'lat' => (string) $res->city->coord['lat'], 'lon' => (string) $res->city->coord['lon'], 'temperature' => (string) $res->temperature['value'][0].$tunit, 'pressure' => (string) $res->pressure['value'].(string)$res->pressure['unit'], 'humidity' => (string) $res->humidity['value'].(string)$res->humidity['unit'], 'descripion' => $desc, 'wind' => (string)$res->wind->speed['name'].' ('.(string)$res->wind->speed['value'].$wunit.')', 'update' => (string)$res->lastupdate['value'], 'icon' => (string)$res->weather['icon'] ]; PConfig::set(local_user(), 'curweather', 'last', $now->getTimestamp()); Cache::set('curweather'.md5($url), serialize($r), CACHE_HOUR); return $r; } function curweather_install() { Addon::registerHook('network_mod_init', 'addon/curweather/curweather.php', 'curweather_network_mod_init'); Addon::registerHook('addon_settings', 'addon/curweather/curweather.php', 'curweather_addon_settings'); Addon::registerHook('addon_settings_post', 'addon/curweather/curweather.php', 'curweather_addon_settings_post'); } function curweather_uninstall() { Addon::unregisterHook('network_mod_init', 'addon/curweather/curweather.php', 'curweather_network_mod_init'); Addon::unregisterHook('addon_settings', 'addon/curweather/curweather.php', 'curweather_addon_settings'); Addon::unregisterHook('addon_settings_post', 'addon/curweather/curweather.php', 'curweather_addon_settings_post'); } function curweather_network_mod_init(&$fk_app,&$b) { if(! intval(PConfig::get(local_user(),'curweather','curweather_enable'))) return; $fk_app->page['htmlhead'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $fk_app->get_baseurl() . '/addon/curweather/curweather.css' . '" media="all" />' . "\r\n"; // $rpt value is needed for location // $lang will be taken from the browser session to honour user settings // TODO $lang does not work if the default settings are used // and not all response strings are translated // $units can be set in the settings by the user // $appid is configured by the admin in the admin panel // those parameters will be used to get: cloud status, temperature, preassure // and relative humidity for display, also the relevent area of the map is // linked from lat/log of the reply of OWMp $rpt = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_loc'); // set the language to the browsers language and use metric units $lang = $_SESSION['language']; $units = PConfig::get( local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_units'); $appid = Config::get('curweather','appid'); $cachetime = intval(Config::get('curweather','cachetime')); if ($units==="") $units = 'metric'; $ok = true; $res = getWeather($rpt, $units, $lang, $appid, $cachetime); if ($res===false) $ok = false; if ($ok) { $t = get_markup_template("widget.tpl", "addon/curweather/" ); $curweather = replace_macros ($t, [ '$title' => t("Current Weather"), '$icon' => proxy_url('http://openweathermap.org/img/w/'.$res['icon'].'.png'), '$city' => $res['city'], '$lon' => $res['lon'], '$lat' => $res['lat'], '$description' => $res['descripion'], '$temp' => $res['temperature'], '$relhumidity' => ['caption'=>t('Relative Humidity'), 'val'=>$res['humidity']], '$pressure' => ['caption'=>t('Pressure'), 'val'=>$res['pressure']], '$wind' => ['caption'=>t('Wind'), 'val'=> $res['wind']], '$lastupdate' => t('Last Updated').': '.$res['update'].'UTC', '$databy' => t('Data by'), '$showonmap' => t('Show on map') ]); } else { $t = get_markup_template('widget-error.tpl', 'addon/curweather/'); $curweather = replace_macros( $t, [ '$problem' => t('There was a problem accessing the weather data. But have a look'), '$rpt' => $rpt, '$atOWM' => t('at OpenWeatherMap') ]); } $fk_app->page['aside'] = $curweather.$fk_app->page['aside']; } function curweather_addon_settings_post($a,$post) { if(! local_user() || (! x($_POST,'curweather-settings-submit'))) return; PConfig::set(local_user(),'curweather','curweather_loc',trim($_POST['curweather_loc'])); PConfig::set(local_user(),'curweather','curweather_enable',intval($_POST['curweather_enable'])); PConfig::set(local_user(),'curweather','curweather_units',trim($_POST['curweather_units'])); info( t('Current Weather settings updated.') . EOL); } function curweather_addon_settings(&$a,&$s) { if(! local_user()) return; /* Get the current state of our config variable */ $curweather_loc = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_loc'); $curweather_units = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'curweather', 'curweather_units'); $appid = Config::get('curweather','appid'); if ($appid=="") { $noappidtext = t('No APPID found, please contact your admin to obtain one.'); } else { $noappidtext = ''; } $enable = intval(PConfig::get(local_user(),'curweather','curweather_enable')); $enable_checked = (($enable) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); // load template and replace the macros $t = get_markup_template("settings.tpl", "addon/curweather/" ); $s = replace_macros ($t, [ '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), '$header' => t('Current Weather').' '.t('Settings'), '$noappidtext' => $noappidtext, '$info' => t('Enter either the name of your location or the zip code.'), '$curweather_loc' => [ 'curweather_loc', t('Your Location'), $curweather_loc, t('Identifier of your location (name or zip code), e.g. <em>Berlin,DE</em> or <em>14476,DE</em>.') ], '$curweather_units' => [ 'curweather_units', t('Units'), $curweather_units, t('select if the temperature should be displayed in °C or °F'), ['metric'=>'°C', 'imperial'=>'°F']], '$enabled' => [ 'curweather_enable', t('Show weather data'), $enable, ''] ]); return; } // Config stuff for the admin panel to let the admin of the node set a APPID // for accessing the API of openweathermap function curweather_addon_admin_post (&$a) { if(! is_site_admin()) return; if ($_POST['curweather-submit']) { Config::set('curweather','appid',trim($_POST['appid'])); Config::set('curweather','cachetime',trim($_POST['cachetime'])); info( t('Curweather settings saved.'.EOL)); } } function curweather_addon_admin (&$a, &$o) { if(! is_site_admin()) return; $appid = Config::get('curweather','appid'); $cachetime = Config::get('curweather','cachetime'); $t = get_markup_template("admin.tpl", "addon/curweather/" ); $o = replace_macros ($t, [ '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), '$cachetime' => ['cachetime', t('Caching Interval'), $cachetime, t('For how long should the weather data be cached? Choose according your OpenWeatherMap account type.'), ['0'=>t('no cache'), '300'=>'5 '.t('minutes'), '900'=>'15 '.t('minutes'), '1800'=>'30 '.t('minutes'), '3600'=>'60 '.t('minutes')]], '$appid' => ['appid', t('Your APPID'), $appid, t('Your API key provided by OpenWeatherMap')] ]); }