<?php /* Jappix - An open social platform This is the design configuration reader ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 28/12/10 */ // Someone is trying to hack us? if(!defined('JAPPIX_BASE')) exit; // Get the available backgrounds $backgrounds = getBackgrounds(); $backgrounds_number = count($backgrounds); // Read the background configuration $background = readBackground(); // Backgrounds are missing? if(!$backgrounds_number && ($background['type'] == 'image')) $background['type'] = 'default'; switch($background['type']) { // Simple notice input case 'image': $background_image = ' checked=""'; $background_default = ''; break; // Advanced notice input case 'color': $background_color = ' checked=""'; $background_default = ''; break; } switch($background['image_repeat']) { // No repeat case 'no-repeat': $background_image_repeat_no = ' selected=""'; $background_image_repeat_x = ''; break; // Repeat case 'repeat': $background_image_repeat_all = ' selected=""'; $background_image_repeat_x = ''; break; // Y repeat case 'repeat-y': $background_image_repeat_y = ' selected=""'; $background_image_repeat_x = ''; break; } switch($background['image_horizontal']) { // Left position case 'left': $background_image_horizontal_left = ' selected=""'; $background_image_horizontal_center = ''; break; // Right position case 'right': $background_image_horizontal_right = ' selected=""'; $background_image_horizontal_center = ''; break; } switch($background['image_vertical']) { // Left position case 'top': $background_image_vertical_top = ' selected=""'; $background_image_vertical_center = ''; break; // Right position case 'bottom': $background_image_vertical_bottom = ' selected=""'; $background_image_vertical_center = ''; break; } if($background['image_adapt'] == 'on') $background_image_adapt = ' checked=""'; // Read the notice configuration $notice_conf = readNotice(); $notice_text = $notice_conf['notice']; switch($notice_conf['type']) { // Simple notice input case 'simple': $notice_simple = ' checked=""'; $notice_none = ''; break; // Advanced notice input case 'advanced': $notice_advanced = ' checked=""'; $notice_none = ''; break; } ?>