/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the archives functions for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 03/03/11 */ // Opens the archive tools function openArchives() { // Popup HTML content var html = '<div class="top">' + _e("Message archives") + '</div>' + '<div class="content">' + '<div class="filter">' + '<select class="friend" multiple=""></select>' + '<div class="date"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="current">' + '<span class="name"></span>' + '<span class="time">' + _e("Please select a friend to view the chat history.") + '</span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="logs" id="chat-content-archives"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="bottom">' + '<div class="wait wait-medium"></div>' + '<a href="#" class="finish">' + _e("Close") + '</a>' + '</div>'; // Create the popup createPopup('archives', html); // Associate the events launchArchives(); // Get all the buddies in our roster var buddies = getAllBuddies(); var options = ''; for(i in buddies) { var current = buddies[i]; // Add the current buddy options += '<option value="' + encodeQuotes(current) + '">' + getBuddyName(current).htmlEnc() + '</option>'; } // Can append the buddy HTML code? if(options) $('#archives .filter .friend').append(options); return false; } // Closes the archive tools function closeArchives() { // Destroy the popup destroyPopup('archives'); return false; } // Gets the archives list for a buddy function getListArchives(xid) { // Reset the archives viewer $('#archives .logs').empty(); // Show the waiting icon $('#archives .wait').show(); // Apply the ID var id = genID(); $('#archives').attr('data-session', id); // New IQ var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('get'); iq.setID(id); var list = iq.appendNode('list', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE, 'with': xid}); var set = list.appendChild(iq.buildNode('set', {'xmlns': NS_RSM})); set.appendChild(iq.buildNode('max', {'xmlns': NS_RSM}, '0')); con.send(iq, handleListArchives); logThis('Getting archives list for: ' + xid + '...'); } // Handles the archives list for a buddy function handleListArchives(iq) { // Hide the waiting icon $('#archives .wait').hide(); // Any error? if(handleErrorReply(iq) || !exists('#archives[data-session=' + iq.getID() + ']')) return; // Get the last archive date var last = $(iq.getNode()).find('list set changed').text(); // Any last archive? if(last) { // Read the date var date = Date.jab2date(last); // Change the datepicker value $('#archives .filter .date').DatePickerSetDate(date, true); // Retrieve the archives checkChangeArchives(); } logThis('Got archives list.', 2); } // Gets the archives for a day function getDayArchives(xid, date) { // Reset the archives viewer $('#archives .logs').empty(); // Show the waiting icon $('#archives .wait').show(); // Apply the ID var id = genID(); $('#archives').attr('data-session', id); // New IQ var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('get'); iq.setID(id); iq.appendNode('list', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE, 'with': xid, 'start': date + 'T00:00:00Z', 'end': date + 'T23:59:59Z'}); con.send(iq, handleDayArchives); logThis('Getting day archives (' + date + ') for: ' + xid + '...'); } // Handles the archives for a day function handleDayArchives(iq) { // Hide the waiting icon $('#archives .wait').hide(); // Any error? if(handleErrorReply(iq) || !exists('#archives[data-session=' + iq.getID() + ']')) return; // Get each archive thread $(iq.getNode()).find('chat').each(function() { // Current values var xid = $(this).attr('with'); var start = $(this).attr('start'); if(xid && start) $('#archives .logs').append('<input class="archives-pending" type="hidden" data-with="' + encodeQuotes(xid) + '" data-start="' + encodeQuotes(start) + '" />'); }); // Display the day var date = parseDay($('#archives .filter .date').DatePickerGetDate(true) + 'T00:00:00Z' + getDateTZO()); // Try to get the first thread var pending = '#archives input.archives-pending:first'; if(!exists(pending)) date = printf(_e("Nothing found for: %s"), date); else { retrieveArchives($(pending).attr('data-with'), $(pending).attr('data-start')); $(pending).remove(); } $('#archives .current .time').text(date); logThis('Got day archives.', 2); } // Retrieves a specified archive collection function retrieveArchives(xid, start) { // Show the waiting icon $('#archives .wait').show(); // Apply the ID var id = genID(); $('#archives').attr('data-session', id); // New IQ var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('get'); iq.setID(id); var list = iq.appendNode('retrieve', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE, 'with': xid, 'start': start}); con.send(iq, handleRetrieveArchives); logThis('Retrieving archives (start: ' + start + ') for: ' + xid + '...'); } // Handles a specified archive collection function handleRetrieveArchives(iq) { // Hide the waiting icon $('#archives .wait').hide(); // Any error? if(handleErrorReply(iq) || !exists('#archives[data-session=' + iq.getID() + ']')) return; // Get the node var chat = $(iq.getNode()).find('chat:first'); // Get the buddy XID var xid = bareXID(chat.attr('with')); // Get the start date & stamp var start_date = Date.jab2date(chat.attr('start')); var start_stamp = extractStamp(start_date); // Parse the result chat chat.find('to, from').each(function() { var node = (this).nodeName; var stamp = start_stamp + parseInt($(this).attr('secs')); var date = extractTime(new Date(stamp * 1000)); var body = $(this).find('body').text(); // Is it my message? if((node == 'to') && body) displayMessage('chat', getXID(), 'archives', getBuddyName(getXID()).htmlEnc(), body, date, start_stamp, 'user-message', true, '', 'me'); // Is it a buddy message? else if((node == 'from') && body) displayMessage('chat', xid, 'archives', getBuddyName(xid).htmlEnc(), body, date, start_stamp, 'user-message', true, '', 'him'); }); // Not the latest thread? var pending = '#archives input.archives-pending:first'; if(exists(pending)) { retrieveArchives($(pending).attr('data-with'), $(pending).attr('data-start')); $(pending).remove(); } // Everything has been retrieved, get the avatars else { getAvatar(getXID(), 'cache', 'true', 'forget'); getAvatar(xid, 'cache', 'true', 'forget'); } logThis('Got archives.', 2); } // Gets the archiving configuration function getConfigArchives() { // Lock the archiving options $('#archiving').attr('checked', false).attr('disabled', true); // Get the archiving configuration var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('get'); iq.appendNode('pref', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE}); con.send(iq, handleGetConfigArchives); } // Handles the archiving configuration function handleGetConfigArchives(iq) { // Reset the options stuffs waitOptions('archives'); // Unlock the archiving options $('#archiving').removeAttr('disabled'); // End if not a result if(!iq || (iq.getType() != 'result')) return; // Extract the preferences from the IQ var enabled = $(iq.getNode()).find('pref auto').attr('save'); // Define the input enabling/disabling vars var checked = true; if(enabled != 'true') checked = false; // Apply the values $('#archiving').attr('checked', checked); } // Configures the archiving on the server function configArchives(enabled) { // Configure the auto element var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); iq.appendNode('auto', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE, 'save': enabled}); con.send(iq, handleConfigArchives); // Configure the default element var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); var pref = iq.appendNode('pref', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE}); pref.appendChild(iq.appendNode('default', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE, 'otr': 'concede', 'save': 'body'})); con.send(iq); // Configure the method element var iq = new JSJaCIQ(); iq.setType('set'); var mType = new Array('auto', 'local', 'manual'); var mUse = new Array('prefer', 'concede', 'concede'); var pref = iq.appendNode('pref', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE}); for(i in mType) pref.appendChild(iq.appendNode('method', {'xmlns': NS_URN_ARCHIVE, 'type': mType[i], 'use': mUse[i]})); con.send(iq); // Logger logThis('Configuring archives...', 3); } // Handles the archives configuration function handleConfigArchives(iq) { if(!iq || (iq.getType() != 'result')) logThis('Archives not configured.', 2); else logThis('Archives configured.', 3); } // Checks if the datepicker has changed function checkChangeArchives() { var xid = $('#archives .filter .friend').val(); var date = $('#archives .filter .date').DatePickerGetDate(true); // No XID? if(!xid || !xid.length) return; // Too many value? if(xid.length > 1) { $('#archives .filter .friend').val(xid[0]); return; } // Get the first XID xid = xid[0]; // Get the archives getDayArchives(xid, date); } // Update the archives with the selected XID function updateArchives() { // Read the values var xid = $('#archives .filter .friend').val(); var date = $('#archives .filter .date').DatePickerGetDate(true); // No XID? if(!xid || !xid.length) return; // Too many value? if(xid.length > 1) { $('#archives .filter .friend').val(xid[0]); return; } // Get the first XID xid = xid[0]; // Apply the current marker $('#archives .current .name').text(getBuddyName(xid)); $('#archives .current .time').text(parseDay(date + 'T00:00:00Z' + getDateTZO())); // Get the archives getListArchives(xid, date); } // Addon launcher function launchArchives() { // Current date var current_date = explodeThis('T', getXMPPTime(), 0); // Datepicker $('#archives .filter .date').DatePicker({ flat: true, date: current_date, current: current_date, calendars: 1, starts: 1, onChange: checkChangeArchives }); // Click events $('#archives .bottom .finish').click(function() { return closeArchives(); }); // Change event $('#archives .filter .friend').change(updateArchives); }