var i18n = $.extend({}, i18n || {}, { xgcalendar: { dateformat: { "fulldaykey": "ddMMyyyy", "fulldayshow": "d L yyyy", "separator": ".", "year_index": 2, "month_index": 1, "day_index": 0, "day": "d", "sun": "Su", "mon": "Mo", "tue": "Tu", "wed": "Mi", "thu": "Th", "fri": "Fr", "sat": "Sa", "jan": "Jan", "feb": "Feb", "mar": "Mar", "apr": "Apr", "may": "May", "jun": "Jun", "jul": "Jul", "aug": "Aug", "sep": "Sep", "oct": "Oct", "nov": "Nov", "dec": "Dec" }, "no_implemented": "Not implemented", "to_date_view": "Go to today", "i_undefined": "Undefined", "allday_event": "All-day event", "repeat_event": "Recurring event", "time": "Time", "event": "Event", "location": "Loaction", "participant": "Attendees", "get_data_exception": "Exception when getting data", "new_event": "New event", "confirm_delete_event": "Do you really want to delete this event?", "confrim_delete_event_or_all": "Do you want to delete this event alone, or all recurrences? \r\n[OK] for this single item, [Abort] for all.", "data_format_error": "Data format error!", "invalid_title": "The title of an event must not be empty and must not contain ($<>).", "view_no_ready": "View is not ready", "example": "e.g., Meeting in room 23", "content": "Title", "create_event": "Create event", "update_detail": "Edit", "click_to_detail": "Show details", "i_delete": "Delete", "day_plural": "days", "others": "More: ", "item": "" } });