<?php /** * Name: Remote Permissions * Description: Allow the recipients of private posts to see who else can see the post by clicking the lock icon * Version: 1.0 * Author: Zach <https://f.shmuz.in/profile/techcity> * */ use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; function remote_permissions_install() { Addon::registerHook('lockview_content', 'addon/remote_permissions/remote_permissions.php', 'remote_permissions_content'); Addon::registerHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/remote_permissions/remote_permissions.php', 'remote_permissions_settings'); Addon::registerHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/remote_permissions/remote_permissions.php', 'remote_permissions_settings_post'); } function remote_permissions_uninstall() { Addon::unregisterHook('lockview_content', 'addon/remote_permissions/remote_permissions.php', 'remote_permissions_content'); Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings', 'addon/remote_permissions/remote_permissions.php', 'remote_permissions_settings'); Addon::unregisterHook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/remote_permissions/remote_permissions.php', 'remote_permissions_settings_post'); } function remote_permissions_settings(&$a,&$o) { if(! local_user()) return; $global = Config::get("remote_perms", "global"); if($global == 1) return; /* Add our stylesheet to the page so we can make our settings look nice */ $a->page['htmlhead'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/addon/remote_permissions/settings.css' . '" media="all" />' . "\r\n"; /* Get the current state of our config variable */ $remote_perms = PConfig::get(local_user(),'remote_perms','show'); /* Add some HTML to the existing form */ // $t = file_get_contents("addon/remote_permissions/settings.tpl" ); $t = get_markup_template("settings.tpl", "addon/remote_permissions/" ); $o .= replace_macros($t, [ '$remote_perms_title' => t('Remote Permissions Settings'), '$remote_perms_label' => t('Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts'), '$checked' => (($remote_perms == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''), '$submit' => t('Save Settings') ]); } function remote_permissions_settings_post($a,$post) { if(! local_user() || (! x($_POST,'remote-perms-submit'))) return; PConfig::set(local_user(),'remote_perms','show',intval($_POST['remote-perms'])); info( t('Remote Permissions settings updated.') . EOL); } function remote_permissions_content($a, $item_copy) { if($item_copy['uid'] != local_user()) return; if(Config::get('remote_perms','global') == 0) { // Admin has set Individual choice. We need to find // the original poster. First, get the contact's info $r = q("SELECT nick, url FROM contact WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_copy['contact-id']) ); if(! $r) return; // Find out if the contact lives here $baseurl = $a->get_baseurl(); $baseurl = substr($baseurl, strpos($baseurl, '://') + 3); if(strpos($r[0]['url'], $baseurl) === false) return; // The contact lives here. Get his/her user info $nick = $r[0]['nick']; $r = q("SELECT uid FROM user WHERE nickname = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($nick) ); if(! $r) return; if(PConfig::get($r[0]['uid'],'remote_perms','show') == 0) return; } if(($item_copy['private'] == 1) && (! strlen($item_copy['allow_cid'])) && (! strlen($item_copy['allow_gid'])) && (! strlen($item_copy['deny_cid'])) && (! strlen($item_copy['deny_gid']))) { $allow_names = []; // Check for the original post here -- that's the only way // to definitely get all of the recipients if($item_copy['uri'] === $item_copy['parent-uri']) { // Lockview for a top-level post $r = q("SELECT allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid FROM item WHERE uri = '%s' AND type = 'wall' LIMIT 1", dbesc($item_copy['uri']) ); } else { // Lockview for a comment $r = q("SELECT allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid FROM item WHERE uri = '%s' AND parent = ( SELECT id FROM item WHERE uri = '%s' AND type = 'wall' ) LIMIT 1", dbesc($item_copy['uri']), dbesc($item_copy['parent-uri']) ); } if($r) { $item = $r[0]; $allowed_users = expand_acl($item['allow_cid']); $allowed_groups = expand_acl($item['allow_gid']); $deny_users = expand_acl($item['deny_cid']); $deny_groups = expand_acl($item['deny_gid']); $o = t('Visible to:') . '<br />'; $allow = []; $deny = []; if(count($allowed_groups)) { $r = q("SELECT DISTINCT `contact-id` FROM group_member WHERE gid IN ( %s )", dbesc(implode(', ', $allowed_groups)) ); foreach($r as $rr) $allow[] = $rr['contact-id']; } $allow = array_unique($allow + $allowed_users); if(count($deny_groups)) { $r = q("SELECT DISTINCT `contact-id` FROM group_member WHERE gid IN ( %s )", dbesc(implode(', ', $deny_groups)) ); foreach($r as $rr) $deny[] = $rr['contact-id']; } $deny = $deny + $deny_users; if($allow) { $r = q("SELECT name FROM contact WHERE id IN ( %s )", dbesc(implode(', ', array_diff($allow, $deny))) ); foreach($r as $rr) $allow_names[] = $rr['name']; } } else { // We don't have the original post. Let's try for the next best thing: // checking who else has the post on our own server. Note that comments // that were sent to Diaspora and were relayed to others on our server // will have different URIs than the original. We can match the GUID for // those $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM item WHERE uri = '%s' OR guid = '%s'", dbesc($item_copy['uri']), dbesc($item_copy['guid']) ); if(! $r) return; $allow = []; foreach($r as $rr) $allow[] = $rr['uid']; $r = q("SELECT username FROM user WHERE uid IN ( %s )", dbesc(implode(', ', $allow)) ); if(! $r) return; $o = t('Visible to') . ' (' . t('may only be a partial list') . '):<br />'; foreach($r as $rr) $allow_names[] = $rr['username']; } // Sort the names alphabetically, case-insensitive natcasesort($allow_names); echo $o . implode(', ', $allow_names); killme(); } return; } function remote_permissions_plugin_admin(&$a, &$o){ $t = get_markup_template( "admin.tpl", "addon/remote_permissions/" ); $o = replace_macros($t, [ '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), '$global' => ['remotepermschoice', t('Global'), 1, t('The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients'), Config::get('remote_perms', 'global') == 1], '$individual' => ['remotepermschoice', t('Individual'), 2, t('Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients'), Config::get('remote_perms', 'global') == 0] ]); } function remote_permissions_plugin_admin_post(&$a){ $choice = ((x($_POST,'remotepermschoice')) ? notags(trim($_POST['remotepermschoice'])) : ''); Config::set('remote_perms','global',($choice == 1 ? 1 : 0)); info( t('Settings updated.'). EOL ); }