[ { "name": "paragonie/constant_time_encoding", "version": "v2.6.3", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/paragonie/constant_time_encoding.git", "reference": "58c3f47f650c94ec05a151692652a868995d2938" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/zipball/58c3f47f650c94ec05a151692652a868995d2938", "reference": "58c3f47f650c94ec05a151692652a868995d2938", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "php": "^7|^8" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^6|^7|^8|^9", "vimeo/psalm": "^1|^2|^3|^4" }, "time": "2022-06-14T06:56:20+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\": "src/" } }, "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", "email": "security@paragonie.com", "homepage": "https://paragonie.com", "role": "Maintainer" }, { "name": "Steve 'Sc00bz' Thomas", "email": "steve@tobtu.com", "homepage": "https://www.tobtu.com", "role": "Original Developer" } ], "description": "Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding (Base-64, Base-32, Base-16)", "keywords": [ "base16", "base32", "base32_decode", "base32_encode", "base64", "base64_decode", "base64_encode", "bin2hex", "encoding", "hex", "hex2bin", "rfc4648" ] }, { "name": "phpseclib/phpseclib", "version": "3.0.37", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib.git", "reference": "cfa2013d0f68c062055180dd4328cc8b9d1f30b8" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/phpseclib/phpseclib/zipball/cfa2013d0f68c062055180dd4328cc8b9d1f30b8", "reference": "cfa2013d0f68c062055180dd4328cc8b9d1f30b8", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "paragonie/constant_time_encoding": "^1|^2", "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0|^9.99.99", "php": ">=5.6.1" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "*" }, "suggest": { "ext-dom": "Install the DOM extension to load XML formatted public keys.", "ext-gmp": "Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.", "ext-libsodium": "SSH2/SFTP can make use of some algorithms provided by the libsodium-php extension.", "ext-mcrypt": "Install the Mcrypt extension in order to speed up a few other cryptographic operations.", "ext-openssl": "Install the OpenSSL extension in order to speed up a wide variety of cryptographic operations." }, "time": "2024-03-03T02:14:58+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "files": [ "phpseclib/bootstrap.php" ], "psr-4": { "phpseclib3\\": "phpseclib/" } }, "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Jim Wigginton", "email": "terrafrost@php.net", "role": "Lead Developer" }, { "name": "Patrick Monnerat", "email": "pm@datasphere.ch", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Andreas Fischer", "email": "bantu@phpbb.com", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Hans-Jürgen Petrich", "email": "petrich@tronic-media.com", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Graham Campbell", "email": "graham@alt-three.com", "role": "Developer" } ], "description": "PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.", "homepage": "http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net", "keywords": [ "BigInteger", "aes", "asn.1", "asn1", "blowfish", "crypto", "cryptography", "encryption", "rsa", "security", "sftp", "signature", "signing", "ssh", "twofish", "x.509", "x509" ], "funding": [ { "url": "https://github.com/terrafrost", "type": "github" }, { "url": "https://www.patreon.com/phpseclib", "type": "patreon" }, { "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/phpseclib/phpseclib", "type": "tidelift" } ] }, { "name": "singpolyma/openpgp-php", "version": "0.6.0", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/singpolyma/openpgp-php.git", "reference": "1c3bdcd2d9c6113c2d6b768e208e7432a48d3a1e" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/singpolyma/openpgp-php/zipball/1c3bdcd2d9c6113c2d6b768e208e7432a48d3a1e", "reference": "1c3bdcd2d9c6113c2d6b768e208e7432a48d3a1e", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0 || ^8.0", "phpseclib/phpseclib": "^3.0.14" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0" }, "suggest": { "ext-mcrypt": "required if you use encryption cast5", "ext-openssl": "required if you use encryption cast5" }, "time": "2022-10-31T13:43:21+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "classmap": [ "lib/" ] }, "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", "license": [ "Unlicense" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Arto Bendiken", "email": "arto.bendiken@gmail.com" }, { "name": "Stephen Paul Weber", "email": "singpolyma@singpolyma.net" } ], "description": "Pure-PHP implementation of the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880)", "funding": [ { "url": "https://github.com/singpolyma", "type": "github" }, { "url": "https://liberapay.com/singpolyma", "type": "liberapay" }, { "url": "https://www.patreon.com/singpolyma", "type": "patreon" } ] } ]