strings['Post to Wordpress'] = '发布到 Wordpress'; $a->strings['Wordpress Export'] = '导出WordPress'; $a->strings['Enable WordPress Post Addon'] = '启用 WordPress 文章插件'; $a->strings['WordPress username'] = 'WordPress用户名'; $a->strings['WordPress password'] = 'WordPress密码'; $a->strings['WordPress API URL'] = 'WordPress API URL'; $a->strings['Post to WordPress by default'] = '默认发布到 WordPress'; $a->strings['Provide a backlink to the Friendica post'] = '提供 Friendica 发布的反向链接'; $a->strings['Text for the backlink, e.g. Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica.'] = '反向链接的文本,例如阅读 Friendica 的原始文章和评论流。'; $a->strings['Don\'t post messages that are too short'] = '不要发太短的信息'; $a->strings['Save Settings'] = '保存设置'; $a->strings['Read the orig­i­nal post and com­ment stream on Friendica'] = '阅读原文并在 Friendica 上发表评论'; $a->strings['Post from Friendica'] = '来自Friendica的帖子';